I already had everything on hand that I needed.
1 C Grated Bar of Soap
10 C water
1 TBS Glycerin
Pot to melt down the soap
Containers to pour it into
![Ingredients needed to turn bar soap into handsoap](http://i241.photobucket.com/albums/ff7/mabear74/Blog%202/Ingredientsneededtoturnbarsoapintohandsoap.jpg)
Normally I don't have Ivory in the house, but this was hiding in the cabinets in my laundry room from one of my attempts at homemade laundry detergent. Just take the soap and start grating. It really doesn't take that long. Then put your soap, water and glycerin in your pot and heat it up.
![All the ingredients for hand soap on the stove ready to be heated](http://i241.photobucket.com/albums/ff7/mabear74/Blog%202/Alltheingredientsforhandsoaponthestovereadytobeheated.jpg)
I heated mine till all the soap melted. That didn't take long at all. I had my burner set on Medium. Take it off the heat . It will be very watery. You will probably be looking at it, like I did mine, thinking that this didn't work out like planned. Let it cool, as it cools it will thicken. It take a while to completely cool.
![Homemade hand soap ready to cool and be poured into containers](http://i241.photobucket.com/albums/ff7/mabear74/Blog%202/Homemadehandsoapreadytocoolandbepouredintocontainers.jpg)
I poured mine into containers before it started to get thicker. I figured it would be easier that way and it would cool quicker.
![homemade liquid handsoap poured into container cooling](http://i241.photobucket.com/albums/ff7/mabear74/Blog%202/homemadeliquidhandsoappouredintocontainercooling.jpg)
I can't get a good picture, but it thickened up and turned whitish.......Only problem is that is got TOO thick.....It is almost solid. It does actually still come out of the pump though. It does not suds a lot, but that does not mean that it is not cleaning. Suds are usually put into products. We will use up this batch, but I don't think this is something that I will make again. If anybody has any tips or hints on how to improve the consistency I would love to hear them!
*UPDATE* After the soap sitting a few days, it seemed to some how become what I would consider a normal soap consistency........My Son who is obsessed with washing his hands is using it with no problems, and his hands actually aren't as dry as they were. I think I might actually give this another go when we run out.
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